About Games
About Games
Legal basis for the use of radio equipment (REAs) in the territory of the Russian Federation is established by the Law of the Russian Federation and normative legal acts on communications. According to the p.1 of the Article 24 of the Federal Law dated July 7, 2003 No 126-FZ On Communications, the right to use the radio frequency spectrum is provided by the elimination and assignment of radio channels and assignment of radio channels.
In accordance with the requirements of the current legislation in the field of communications, the use of radio frequency spectrum without the appropriate authorization is not allowed. Assignment of a radio frequency or radio frequency channel is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) taking into account the results of the examination of electromagnetic compatibility conducted by the authorized organization of the radio frequency service (FSUE "GRFC") in accordance with the Procedure for the examination of the possibility of using the declared radioelectronic means and their electromagnetic compatibility with the existing and planned for use radioelectronic appliances, considering materials and taking decisions on assignment of radio frequencies and radio frequency channels within allocated radio frequency bands, approved by the decision of the State Commission of Radio Frequencies dated 7 November 2016 No 16−39−01.
The executive organization of the International Multi-Sports Event "BRICS Sports Games Kazan 2024" - ANO Directorate of Sports and Social Projects, in cooperation with Roskomnadzor within the framework of the relevant joint agreements and adopted documents, carries out activities to manage the radio frequency spectrum and REAs on the territory of Kazan and in the adjacent areas of the Republic of Tatarstan during the preparation and holding at the Games.
The Directorate shall take additional measures to restrict the use of REAs at the Games venues aimed at ensuring interference-free use of the radio frequency spectrum in the interests of the Games. In order to allow REAs to enter at the Games venues, each REAs user, with the exception of REAs specified in the List of REAs used without restrictions, shall be obliged to obtain a permit for the use of radio frequencies or radio frequency channels for civil REAs.
During the period of events at the Games venues, Roskomnadzor employees will carry out radio control activities and identify REAs operating in violation.
In order to process a radio frequency authorization, an application for the use of REAs at the BRICS Sports Games Kazan 2024 must be submitted. The completed application form should be sent to RADIO@DSPKAZAN.COM.

Radioelectronic appliances

Types of REAs
REAs include a wide range of radio transmitting devices for any purpose, the main types of which are listed below.
In accordance with the Procedure of Examination for Possibility to Use Declared REAs and Their Electromagnetic Compatibility with Active and Planned REAs, Considering Materials and Taking Decisions on Assignment of Radio Frequencies and Radio Frequency Channels within Allocated Radio Frequency Bands, approved by the decision of the State Commission of Radio Frequencies dated 7 November 2016 No 16−39−01, the RFC obtaining procedure was obligatory for the following types of REAs intended for use at the Games:
Wireless Fixed Link
Microwave Mobile Link
Fixed Satellite Link
Satellite News Gathering
Land Mobile Radio Service\Talk Back System\Handheld Radio Service
Cordless Camera
In Ear Monitor System
Interpretation Service System
Telemetry & Telecommand
Wireless Microphone
Wireless LAN
For all questions related to the use of REAs at the Games venues, please contact us at
List of REAs used without restrictions*:
Base stations of mobile network providers
Assistive listening devices (ALDs) for hearing impaired people
Car alarms
Customer premise equipment supporting Wi-Fi, including built-in Wi-Fi
Radio electronic devices supporting Bluetooth, including built-in Bluetooth
*There can be changes or updates to the list. The complete list will be soon available at the website.